Seacure Custom Mouthpieces
SeaCure 1 Custom Moldable Mouthpiece - X Type Model
SeaCure 1
SeaCure is a (re)-moldable mouthpiece that fits your mouth, teeth, gums, and jaw perfectly, supporting your regulator and preventing jaw fatigue. It is ideal for all diving conditions, whether professional or recreational.
The X Type model has a new X shaped profile that reduces bulk, gagging, and improves molding. It also has a one piece plug with a bite limiter that prevents over closure and maintains air flow. The plug also keeps the regulator clean when not in use.
The X Type comes in 2 more sizes to fit different regulators and rebreathers. Check the Regulator Size Chart for the best fit.
SeaCure is the ultimate mouthpiece for security and comfort, created by an orthodontist in 1992 and guaranteed to fit YOU.
Available in black, blue, clear, pink, and silver.
SeaCure 1
Fits regulator size 1-1/8” x 1/2” or 2.86 cm x 1.27 cm
Aqua Lung
older metal regulators, Conshelf 7 through 21 (snug fit)
manufactured pre-2005 only
Evolution, Iceberg, Nitrox, VXT8, VXT Octo, VX4, VX80
XS Compact (snug fit)
Pacer Aero (snug fit), post-1992
IST except Proline is a 2
NEX Monterey
Ocean Master
Pro Sub Avalon
S600, S360, S560, R095, and all models before the A700
most early models – Brut, Shadow, Magnum II, pre-1992 Blizzard and Oasis
Spare Air
“R” series and Cayman
not TUSA Imprix
Fits many removable mouthpiece snorkels on the market
Size 1 – Amico, Coral, Cressi-Sub, Dacor, Dive Buddy, Netex, Oceanic, Reef Buddy, SeaQuest