Spare Air

Spare Air



11 products
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Spare Air Industrial KitSpare Air Industrial Kit
HEED 3 - 2.0 CU. FT. Cylinder SIZE - 175 Series (Helicopter Emergency Egress Device)HEED 3 - 2.0 CU. FT. Cylinder SIZE - 175 Series (Helicopter Emergency Egress Device)
HEED 3 - 3.0 CU. FT. Cylinder SIZE - 175 Series (Helicopter Emergency Egress Device)HEED 3 - 3.0 CU. FT. Cylinder SIZE - 175 Series (Helicopter Emergency Egress Device)
Spare Air 3cuft Scuba Kit
Spare Air 6cuft Kit
Hill Portable EVO-310 Compressor INCLUDES Filter & AdapterHill Portable EVO-310 Compressor INCLUDES Filter & Adapter
Refill Port (Check Valve) Spare Air 030CK-2SRefill Port (Check Valve) Spare Air 030CK-2S
Nomad III Portable CompressorNomad III Portable Compressor
Refill Adapter - SCUBA DIN - Spare Air
SCUBA Compressor - Refill Adapter - Spare Air
Refill Adapter - SCUBA YOKE - Spare Air

A skydiver wears a reserve parachute, a SCUBA diver should have a reserve breathing system. For 40 years Spare Air has supplied divers with the smallest, most-compact redundant system available for out-of-air-emergencies.

Spare Air supplies the HEED3 for Aviation and the IS model for Industrial applications.

If you need an emergency supply of breathing air, Spare Air is inspired to supply!